Hi Taylor, Great videos and advice for any patient and caregiver. Keeping records of your symptoms and treatment etc is exactly what caregivers in USA and now UK are sharing with each other, templates and ideas to empower ourselves. You may be interested in the 'origin story' of Tiago Forte who wrote 'Building a second brain' https://fortelabs.com/blog/the-story-behind-basb/
There is a whole 'productivity' following behind his ideas now.
Like you, I'd love to see an integrated physician-patient-caregiver info-system, I keep updating my excel sheets on Mums med-history.
Having 6 copies ready in our go-bag for Dad saved time, and EVERY copy was used, because the I was asked by every physician / nurse for the same info, between A&E and admission to a bed.
Hi Taylor, Great videos and advice for any patient and caregiver. Keeping records of your symptoms and treatment etc is exactly what caregivers in USA and now UK are sharing with each other, templates and ideas to empower ourselves. You may be interested in the 'origin story' of Tiago Forte who wrote 'Building a second brain' https://fortelabs.com/blog/the-story-behind-basb/
There is a whole 'productivity' following behind his ideas now.
Like you, I'd love to see an integrated physician-patient-caregiver info-system, I keep updating my excel sheets on Mums med-history.
Having 6 copies ready in our go-bag for Dad saved time, and EVERY copy was used, because the I was asked by every physician / nurse for the same info, between A&E and admission to a bed.