Cheerio Substack family,
The snap above is me in Westminster Abbey. As Zach can attest, I love a British Drama. Maybe it’s my genetics? Who knows - but those accents are like comfort food.
Now I’ve followed this Kate Middleton conspiracy a bit in jest, but after they released a video of her and William shopping (I know it’s TMZ, but I’m sure they set it up. They are bumbling the media piece of this but they aren’t idiots) and people didn’t believe it was her, I became a bit annoyed… because she’s right there, folks.
But there are deeper issues at play here than just a princess with a medical issue taking a break.
The Intersection of Princess Kate Conspiracies & Invisible Illness
Upon the release of a video showing Catherine, the Princess of Wales smiling and walking with shopping bags, people claimed it was a fake.
I don’t blame them completely. After the failed photoshop-gate of Kate and her kids, people are right to be skeptical but let’s not be insane. I believe this new video is her. I know it’s possible to walk and smile and carry things two months after an abdominal surgery.
I also know it’s possible to look well and be sick.
Exhibit A: This is me about the same amount of time after coming home.
I guarantee you, no one who saw me walking around the Getty Museum carrying my baby thought I was on dialysis, or recovering from almost dying with four abdominal surgeries.
Essentially, what I want to hammer home for everyone who reads this - we are not very good at judging illness. Wellness and illness are on a wide spectrum. I want us all to give grace and patience to everyone in our lives - from neighbors to princesses. We can see a smiling woman looking normal and not know the magnitude she may carry.
And she’s clearly not interested in talking about her issues yet. That is okay too. People have a right to their privacy.
I suspect Kate has been unwell behind smiles for a longer time than we realize. It’s a reminder that we don’t know what’s really going on until people tell us.
Even animals mask illness until they get close to death to keep themselves from looking vulnerable. It’s a natural tactic of survival.
So, I send Kate and everyone dealing with health issues well wishes and strength.
But let’s all check our unconscious bias about illness and what that “should or shouldn’t” look like before we hit comment sections… and I’ll discuss my theories and the implications of how we don’t believe anything digital anymore and how much that freaks me out more than anything over afternoon tea with you sometime.
And here I am storming the castle.
What do you think about this Kate Middleton situation? Think I’m off-base? It’s okay to tell me!
If you’re new here and wondering, “what happened to this lady?” read:
I started writing this when I was on dialysis. It’s intended to be both memoir and a practical tool to help folks who might be going through something similar or those caregivers and family supporting someone with a challenging diagnosis. NOTE: This is not intended to replace actual medical guidance. Please consult your doctors on your individual challenges and situations. Please talk to your clinicians before adjusting any of your care protocols. Also names have been changed for most of my medical staff.
Thank you to Roy Lenn for your founding level donation.
A good reminder that "healthy" can look different for everyone.
So sad - she announced she has cancer. Sending healing vibes- two family members with cancer is never easy, even when you have all the royal resources.