Dear readers, especially the very busy and burned out readers,
Above is a picture of me from my days on dialysis. I was struggling, but it was a moment of bliss between treatment days. I look so peaceful in an uncertain time. Even amidst challenges, peace can find us.
Sometimes in acute stress, we are better at self-care because it’s part of surviving.
Now that my health is more stable, I still need it but it’s easy to get swept up in all my commitments and parenting.
What do I do? I literally put in down time into my schedule for self-care and protect it like it’s any other meeting.
About fifteen years ago, my cortisol was far too high. I bought a lounge chair for my patio and started literally scheduling in time for breaks and self-care. I do it daily. It’s not just a blank space on my itinerary. It’s intentional.
Sometimes it looks like a nap or just resting or a coffee break. Often, especially on my weekends, I plan nothing intentionally.
After all making no plans IS A PLAN:
What are your self-care tips that help you?? Drop me your self-care wisdom!
New Article Featuring Rare Disease Girl
Check out this lovely feature where I talk about advocacy and life with a rare disease. Thanks LDA Research and Caroline Holden for featuring me.
Comment of the Week
“I love this. I too suffer from depression and, let me tell you, it will take you down. I appreciate you, Taylor, for speaking out about it. Keep going. You are amazing.” Sarah
If you’re new here and wondering, “what happened to this lady?” read:
I started writing this when I was on dialysis. It’s intended to be both memoir and a practical tool to help folks who might be going through something similar or those caregivers and family supporting someone with a challenging diagnosis. NOTE: This is not intended to replace actual medical guidance. Please consult your doctors on your individual challenges and situations. Please talk to your clinicians before adjusting any of your care protocols. Also names have been changed for most of my medical staff.
Thank you to CC Couchois, Roy Lenn, and Dr. Richard Burwick for your founding level donation.
I schedule in my break time too. I give myself at minimum an hour to do nothing. I'll go outside, or lean back in my chair and close my eyes.
I also like to give myself a reward whenever I complete a task, such as finishing my writing session for the day. I'll listen to a podcast or watch a YouTube video I've saved. But the best self-care, to me, is reading!