Friday Feels- Singing through pain and healing
Zach gets choked up performing a song about me for the first time.
Hi Reader, Want to feel some feelings today?
There was not a dry eye in the house when Zach performed this song. They sang it during soundcheck and the entire crew at the performing arts center urged them to try it in the show.
I wished I could have gone onstage and given Zach a hug. Especially when he got choked up. What a struggle he had. For all the caregivers… you all face so much challenge and fear.
I’m glad I could be there to see him perform this. I’m still here.
I made the TikTok below of the performance so you can hear it too.
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Be sure to check out the band Dustbowl Revival. Zach’s ability to write a song is truly transcendent.
Follow them on Spotify:
If you’re new here and wondering, “what happened to this lady?” read The Fighter Still Remains Part 1. xo
Thank you to Richard Burwick, MD and Roy Lenn for your founding level donation!